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Fiscal Sponsorships & Project Management

Since 1995 CMSF has worked to protect marine ecosystems while strengthening coastal resilience in the face of population growth, urban and industrial uses, climate change, and historic overfishing. We believe our work is unparalleled and our interdisciplinary team provides an urgent and unique approach to protecting ocean resources by working across terrestrial and coastal ecosystems.  


CMSF is also 501(c)(3) nonprofit that provides our tax-exemption and associated benefits to select groups aligned with our mission of advancing the understanding and stewardship of ocean resources.  Our partners include universities, local communities, government partners, and other NGOs focused on implementing practical and effective solutions that lessen human impacts on our environment, and increase stewardship of natural resources. 


Working under both grants and contracts from federal, state, and private entities, we work with our partners to employ project managers, biologists, researchers, facilitators, and conservation professionals to ensure program success.  


For more information on fiscal sponsorships and project management, please email


CMSF is the fiscal sponsor for Team OCEAN and Bay Net.  The Team OCEAN Kayaker Outreach Program is led by dedicated on-the-water volunteer docents that foster an understanding and appreciation for the California coast among visitors, documenting disturbances, while promoting respectful wildlife viewing and protecting marine life from human disturbance.


The Bay Net Shoreline Naturalist Program, a team of dedicated volunteer docents that foster an understanding and appreciation for the California coast among visitors, while promoting respectful wildlife viewing and protecting marine life from human disturbance.

CMSF is the fiscal Sponsor for the Pacific Grove Hyperbaric Chamber.  The PG Hyperbaric Chamber is operated entirely by on-call volunteers, provides emergency medical treatment for SCUBA diving and carbon monoxide related injuries. It is the only multi-place chamber for SCUBA divers and carbon monoxide patients between Southern California and Seattle, Washington.


The chamber's volunteer staff include medical doctors (MDs), registered nurses (RNs), respiratory therapists (RRTs), dive meidcal technicians (DMTs) emergency medical technicians (EMTs) and other trained personnel.  The Pacific Grove Chamber's MDs are trained to national standards set by the Undersea Hyperbaric Medical Society (UHMS) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).  The chamber crew is trained to the national standards of the National Board of Diving and Hyperbaric Medical Technology (NBDHMT).


CMSF is the fiscal sponsor for the Central Coast Climate Collaborative (4C). 4C is an organizing platform that bridges across sectors and scales to catalyze and advance equitable climate solutions throughout the Central Coast.


4C’s core role is to center justice and equity in convening and connecting across sectors to advance climate solutions and build the resilience capacity of the Central Coast.

CMSF is the fiscal sponsor for Friends of the COAST. The mission of the Center for Ocean Art, Science, and Technology (COAST) is to create an interdisciplinary center that highlights innovative ocean research while using ocean-inspired art to communicate the value of that research to the public. 



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