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Protecting Blue Whales and Blue Skies Ambassador Program

Protecting blue whales and blue skies logo showing a whale tail and a boat on the ocean.

Brands and retailers now have a way to be part of the solution for sustainable shipping alongside the shipping industry through the Protecting Blue Whales and Blue Skies Ambassador Program. By becoming a program Ambassador, brands help drive the demand for more sustainable shipping practices, thereby increasing shipping industry participation and improving conservation outcomes for whales, people, and the planet.

Since the Ambassador Program was initiated last year, it has grown to eight Ambassador companies. Outreach campaigns conducted at the Seymour Marine Discovery Center and Santa Barbara Earth Day enabled community members to write postcards to large corporations encouraging them to ship their products with Protecting Blue Whales and Blue Skies participating shipping companies.

An assortment of logos from companies who have joined the BWBS Brand Ambassador program

To urge your favorite brands to join our Ambassador program, visit or contact Enrollment is free, and takes just a few minutes.


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