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Greater Monterey County Integrated Regional Water Management Program (IRWMP) Coordinator

Susan Robinson joined CMSF in 2008 when she helped develop the Greater Monterey CountyIntegrated Regional Water Management (IRWM) Program. As the IRWM Program Director,Susan coordinates a Regional Water Management Group consisting of 19 agencies andorganizations and over 250 stakeholders with the goal of achieving improved, collaborativemanagement of water and natural resources in the Monterey Bay area. Susan holds a master’sof public policy degree from the University of California, Berkeley. In the early 2000s sheworked at the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary as a Water Quality Specialist for theSanctuary’s Water Quality Protection Program. She has also worked as a policy analystconsultant, grant writer, and project manager for a wide variety of water resource projects onthe California Central Coast and in northern California.


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